Start Up:

  • Joint Venture Agreements (including farm-in arrangements) 
  • Requests For Tender & contractual terms for specific infrastructure projects 
  • Obtaining the necessary licences and approvals, including assessment under IDAS & preparation of environmental impact assessments 
  • Commencing new ERAS
  • Construction of new buildings, structures & infrastructure/utilities 
  • Construction, engineering & technical services contracts 
  • Environmental law 
  • Compensation agreements 
  • Asset purchases 
  • Mining services contracts 
  • Corporate law advice 
  • Land purchase, access & leasing 


  • Obtaining exploration licences & approvals 
  • Entering into exploration compensation agreements with land owners 
  • Farm-In agreements 
  • Land access arrangements for exploration & project development 
  • Tenement & tenure acquisition and maintenance 
  • Native Title 
  • Drilling contracts 


  • Commodity sale agreements 
  • Workplace health & safety services 
  • Employment arrangements & employment law services 
  • Mining services contracts 
  • Requests for tender & contractual terms 
  • Industrial disputes 
  • Risk management & compliance 
  • Regulatory advice 
  • Environmental law 
  • Contractual disputes 
  • Corporate law advice 
  • Review of existing mining approvals & consolidation of approvals, licences and permits 


  • Obtaining environmental approvals & licences 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Environmental law 
  • Asset sales 
  • Public/Private Partnership agreements 
  • Infrastructure maintenance agreements