• Intellectual property audits 
  • Intellectual property management 
  • Intellectual property commercialisation 
  • Pre-commercialisation & asset protection 
  • Licensing, assignment & corporate structuring 
  • Due diligence 
  • Copyright advice 
  • Social media strategies 
  • Designs 
  • Domain names 
  • Confidentiality & privacy 
  • Non-disclosure & confidentiality agreements 
  • Website terms & conditions 
  • Privacy policies 
  • Agency, supply & distribution agreements 
  • Franchising agreements 
  • Joint venture & collaboration agreements 
  • Contractor agreements 
  • Licence agreements 
  • Funding agreements 
  • Marketing & advertising agreements 
  • Affiliate program agreements 
  • Manufacturing & prototype development agreements 
  • Confidential information disputes 
  • Cease & desist actions 
  • Responding to infringement notices 
  • Defending appellation of origin claims 
  • Copyright enforcement 
  • Domain name disputes 
  • Design ownership disputes 
  • Anti-counterfeiting 
  • Trade practices (competition and consumer protection) law 
  • Developing & implementing compliance programs 
  • Workplace health & safety 
  • Employment arrangements & employment law services 
  • Directors’ duties & liabilities  
  • Contractual disputes 
  • Partnership disputes 
  • Product liability 
  • Franchise disputes 
  • Intellectual property disputes 
  • Shareholder disputes 
  • Commercial litigation, mediation & dispute resolution 
  • Trade practices (competition and consumer protection) law 
  • Accc investigations 
  • Representation at accc hearings 
  • Office of fair trade investigations 
  • Representation at office of fair trade hearings 
  • Corporations law liability 
  • Defence & advice on council show cause notices & enforcement notices