• Obtaining exploration licences & approvals 
  • Obtaining development approvals, including assessment under IDAS and preparation of environmental impact assessments 
  • Environmental audits 
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act advice and approvals review of existing approvals & consolidation of approvals, licences and permits 
  • Commencing new ERAs 
  • Due diligence 
  • Compliance 
  • Regulatory advice 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Pollution 
  • Defence of environmental prosecutions, including tree clearing, unlawful use, illegal dumping and spills 
  • Management of environmental incidents to reduce the risk of enforcement and prosecution by local government and government agencies 
  • Contaminated land & remediation 
  • Vegetation Management Act advice, defence & enforcement 
  • Registration of land as PMAV category X 
  • Waste management 
  • Water 
  • Climate change 
  • Flora & fauna protection